February 22-23


8:00 a.m. | Mass 

Founders Chapel

Principal Celebrant: Cardinal Robert McElroy, Diocese of San Diego

9:15 a.m. | Panel, “Laudato Si’ in an Ecclesial Context”

Megan Clark, St. John’s University 

Archbishop Paul Etienne, Archdiocese of Seattle

Michael P. Murphy, Loyola University Chicago 

Facilitator: Michael Sean Winters, Sacred Heart University/National Catholic Reporter

11:00 a.m. | Panel, “Confronting Obstacles to Laudato Si’”

Monsignor Charles Antonicelli, Archdiocese of Washington

Kim Daniels, Georgetown University

Ted Smith, Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute, University of Louisville

Facilitator: Anne Thompson, NBC News 

1:30 p.m. | Report, “Climate Change: The View from the Pews”: Presentation and Research Summary

Introduction: Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D., Diocese of Jefferson City

Thomas Gaunt, S.J., Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University

Mark Gray, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, Georgetown University

Facilitators: David Gibson, Fordham University & Mark Massa, S.J., Boston College

3:15 p.m. | Panel, “The Menu: Where Do We Start?”

Vincent Alvarez, NYC Central Labor Council

Aruni Bhatnagar, Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute, University of Louisville

Sr. Carol DeAngelo, SC, Office of Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation

Lonnie Ellis, OFS, In Solidarity

Christina Bagaglio Slentz, Diocese of San Diego

Nancy Tuchman, Loyola University Chicago

Facilitator: Christopher White, National Catholic Reporter

8:00 a.m. | Mass 

Founders Chapel

Principal Celebrant: Cardinal Christophe Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio

9:15 a.m. | Panel, “Pastoral Perspectives: Healing the Earth, Healing the Church”

Sr. Nathalie Becquart, X.M.C.J., General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops

Fr. Louis Cameli, Archdiocese of Chicago

Michael Schuck, Loyola University Chicago

Facilitator: Sam Sawyer, S.J., America Magazine

11:00 a.m. | Panel, “Hispanic Perspectives on Pastoral Theology”

Victor Carmona, University of San Diego

Emilce Cuda, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America

Facilitator: Ellen Koneck, Commonweal

1:30 p.m. | Closing Remarks

Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark